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City Establishing Shot

Establishing production shot concept for the city in the film Downsizing. I did a paint-over of the original plate so we could visualize the scenes where the main character (Matt Damon) arrived into the city. Some of the most unknown artwork in the film industry is production art that comes in prod and post-prod. There's this massive misconception that after pre-prod ends all artwork stops when in reality it just continues throughout the project. This is one example of artwork during post-prod. I worked close to VFX Supervisor Lindy DeQuattro to achieve this particular image.


Art Director: Thang Le


Downsizing 2018 © Paramount

Concept artwork

Concept artwork

Plate shot

Plate shot

Basic layout (Geometry behind the plate was staged by the Layout Dept at ILM)

Basic layout (Geometry behind the plate was staged by the Layout Dept at ILM)

Previz image done by the Layout Dept at ILM.

Previz image done by the Layout Dept at ILM.

Final frame

Final frame

Staging and location of scene in the city. 
City design was developed by Thang Le, Ben Grangerau and Chris Voy at the ILM Art Department.

Staging and location of scene in the city.
City design was developed by Thang Le, Ben Grangerau and Chris Voy at the ILM Art Department.