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Jedha Buildings

Had the chance to design a big chunk of Jedha city. Some were to be a little more prominent so we played with the sphere motif for these and others were just used as filler (so more basic shapes were ok for these). We mostly referenced Moroccan architecture for some of these. Fun little sketches. 
Art Director: Yanick Dusseault 
Developed at the ILM Art Department 
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 © Lucasfilm

2nd tier buildings

2nd tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

1st tier buildings

1st tier buildings

1st tier buildings

1st tier buildings

1st tier buildings

1st tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

3rd tier buildings

2nd tier buildings

2nd tier buildings

Asset turntable (Clusters were put together to easily populate the whole city) done by DMS at ILM

Asset turntable (Clusters were put together to easily populate the whole city) done by DMS at ILM

Asset turntable (Cluster swere put together to easily populate the whole city) done by DMS at ILM

Asset turntable (Cluster swere put together to easily populate the whole city) done by DMS at ILM

City layout done by DMS and the Layout Department at ILM

City layout done by DMS and the Layout Department at ILM

Final frame (overview)

Final frame (overview)

Final frame

Final frame

Final frame (streets POV)

Final frame (streets POV)

Breakdown done by ILM

Breakdown done by ILM

Breakdown done by ILM

Breakdown done by ILM